Statement of history and purpose

This document provides a set of official definitions and governance instructions to the University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association. These bylaws should not be considered all-encompassing nor complete, but rather, act as a living document that maintains institutional memory for the University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association. This is the seventh iteration of this document, which was previously ratified on the 11th of November 2010, the 14th of December 2011, the 16th of January 2013, the 10th of January 2014, the 17th of June, 2016, and 11th of May, 2018. The following bylaws were authored by Jay Vornhagen (Co-president), Francois Beaufay (Co-president), Aaron Reifler (Postdoctoral Program Coordinator), and various members of the UMPDA Antiracism Subcommittee and edited and ratified by a majority of the UMPDA Board on the 5th of February, 2021. The statements in this document solely reflect the positions and policies of the University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Michigan, nor of any other affiliated organization.

Article 1. General information

Section 1. Name

  1. The organization shall be known as the “University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association” and referred to as the UMPDA in all appropriate forms of communication.

Section 2. Mission statement

  1. The following statement was authored on the 11th of May, 2018 and ratified by the UMPDA Board on the 3rd of May, 2019.
  2. Statement: The University of Michigan Postdoctoral Association is a volunteer organization whose main objective is to represent the interests of, and address issues faced by, postdoctoral fellows and their families at the University of Michigan. We are an organization dedicated to providing programming and networking opportunities for postdoctoral fellows throughout their tenure at the University of Michigan. Our mission is to augment career development provided by the University of Michigan and postdoctoral mentors. We will serve as a forum to identify and address specific needs and act as a resource to support initiatives relating to postdoctoral fellows at all levels of the University of Michigan. As the largest collective post-doctoral organization within the University of Michigan, we understand our responsibility to the U-M community. We will freely provide our knowledge and resources to all postdoctoral fellows and those that work with postdoctoral fellows to the best of our ability.

Section 3. Vision statement

  1. The following statement was authored on the 11th of May, 2018 and ratified by the UMPDA Board on the 5th of April, 2019.
  2. Statement: Ensure the highest quality experience for every postdoctoral fellow at the University of Michigan.

Section 4. Non-discrimination and diversity statement

  1. The following statement was authored on the 5th of May 2018 and ratified by a majority of the UMPDA Board (see Article 2) on the 11th of May, 2018.
  2. Statement: The members of the UMPDA (see Article 4) and UMPDA Board (see Article 2) value diversity in all possible forms, including, but not limited to, race, ethnicity, mental and physical disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, socioeconomic status, immigration status, language, nationality, spiritual identity, family status, veteran status, and cultural expression. Discrimination in any form is not acceptable to the UMPDA. All procedures, policy decisions, and actions made by UMPDA members or the UMPDA Board will take all measures to ensure the sanctity of diversity of all individuals within and external to the UMPDA. Any decision or action that violates or potentially violates the sanctity of diversity of these individuals will be immediately evaluated and corrected.

Section 5. Statement on conflicts of interest

  1. The following statement was authored on the 5th of May 2018 and ratified by a majority of the UMPDA Board (see Article 3) on the 11th of May, 2018, and was further amended on the 10th of January, 2020.
  2. The members of the UMPDA (see Article 2) and UMPDA Board (see Article 3) are forbidden from leveraging their membership for monetary, social, or proprietary gain at any level. All UMPDA Members are expected to act in the best interest of the UMPDA, prioritizing objectivity, impartiality, and integrity. Any potential conflict of interest, real or apparent, shall be presented to UMPDA Board. All UMPDA Members shall disclose all real or apparent conflicts of interest, and shall recuse themselves of any decisions pertaining to any potential conflict of interest as possible. If an undisclosed conflict of interest is determined to exist, it will be reported to the UMPDA with the upmost possible transparency. Failure to abide by this policy shall result in immediate action deemed appropriate by the UMPDA Board, including but not limited to immediate expulsion from UMPDA Membership, a Vote of Temporary Suspension of Duties on the Board, Investigation by the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee and recommendation of a Motion to Initiate Discussion of Impeachment, which may result in a Vote of Removal From Appointment, a Vote of Enjoinder From UMPDA Board Meetings, or a Vote of Enjoinder From All UMPDA Events.

Section 6. Statement of UMPDA Values

  1. The following statement was ratified by a majority of the UMPDA Board (see Article 3) on the 10th of January, 2020.
  2. The UMPDA adopts and espouses the following values for best conduct of UMPDA Members, hereafter known as UMPDA Values.
  3. Values Pertaining to Equity
    1. In accordance with a fundamental value of DIVERSITY, the UMPDA Board will undertake universal representation within UMPDA membership of the myriad social identities that exist in society, including race and ethnicity, gender and gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, language, culture, national origin, religious commitments, age, (dis)ability status, and political perspective.
    2. In accordance with a fundamental value of EQUITY, the UMPDA Board will acknowledge, recognize, and remove barriers created by systemic racism and other injustices for people from marginalized groups; promote the distribution of resources and opportunities in order to elevate marginalized groups; and actively respond to bias, harassment, racism, and discrimination.
    3. In accordance with a fundamental value of INCLUSION, the UMPDA Board will undertake deliberate efforts to ensure that all UMPDA members feel welcome, valued, respected, and supported.
    4. In accordance with these values, all UMPDA Board business shall be enacted with an antiracist lens, as defined in Appendix 1.
  4. Values Pertaining to Professional Conduct
    1. In accordance with a fundamental value of EGALITY, UMPDA Members shall treat all members of the university community with respect and in a professional manner, and shall avoid participating in harassment or discrimination, in compliance with Article 1. §4, SPG201.35, SPG201.89-0, SPG201.89-1, and all other relevant University of Michigan Policy.
    2. In accordance with a fundamental value of IMPARTIALITY, UMPDA Members shall treat all members of the university community with fairness while engaged in business of the UMPDA or of the University of Michigan. Where possible, identifying characteristics such as name, pronouns, titles, shall be redacted by an impartial party from applications for funds, awards, or services to ensure a fair review process to reduce implicit bias. UMPDA Members shall recuse themselves from decisions relating to a real or apparent conflict of interest, in compliance with Article 1. §5, SPG201.65-1, and all other relevant University of Michigan Policy.
    3. In accordance with a fundamental value of INTEGRITY AND STEADFAST REPUTATION, UMPDA Members shall uphold the University’s Research Mission and avoid Research Misconduct, defined broadly as Falsification, Fabrication, and Plagiarism, in compliance with SPG303.03 and all other relevant University of Michigan Policy. UMPDA Members shall avoid all criminal misconduct. UMPDA Members shall not publicly misrepresent the UMPDA or UMPDA Values.
  5. Values Pertaining to Board Operations
    1. In accordance with a fundamental value of COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE, UMPDA Members shall not disrupt the operations of, reduce the effectiveness of, or undermine the work of the UMPDA Board, through sabotage, negligence, or dereliction of the duties of an Officer of the UMPDA as defined in Article 4.

Article 2. Constituency and membership of the UMPDA

Section 1. The constituency of the UMPDA shall consist of:

  1. All persons holding a research or professional doctorate and engaged in academic affairs at the University of Michigan, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, or any other protected class, excluding those persons who hold faculty or administrative positions. These individuals shall be classified as CONSTITUENTS.
    1. Constituency begins upon contractual commencement at the University of Michigan and continues until separation from the institution or reclassification of the constituent has taken place.
    2. Constituents who are not members (see Section 2) are afforded the protections and benefits of the UMPDA but cannot participate in vote in UMPDA elections (see Article 5) or hold appointments on the UMPDA Board (see Article 3).

Section 2. The membership of the UMPDA shall consist of:

  1. All constituents who do not exclude themselves of membership. These individuals shall be classified as MEMBERS. Membership begins upon contractual commencement at the University of Michigan and ends when separation from the institution occurs or reclassification of the member has taken place, or if the member chooses to exclude themselves from membership.
    1. To be excluded from membership, a member must communicate their exclusion from the UMPDA to UMPDA Board (see Article 3). Upon termination of membership, the individual absolves themselves of all rights to vote or hold office. The individual continues to be classified as a constituent, and therefore maintain the privileges and protections afforded by the representation of the UMPDA.
    2. A constituent who has previously requested to be excluded from membership may request to be reinstated as a member by the UMPDA Board (under conditions described in Article 2, Section 1).
  2. All other forms of membership are to be adjudicated by the UMPDA Board (see Article 3) on a case to case basis, wherein decisions concerning membership are to be made by majority rule.

Section 3. The UMPDA Associates

  1. Non-constituent persons expressing the wish to join the UMPDA may do so as UMPDA ASSOCIATES. UMPDA Associates may include past active members, visiting postdoctoral associates, individuals who hold a doctorate and are employed in terminal non-tenure-track positions, or other persons agreed upon by the UMPDA Board (see Article 3). Associate constituents are afforded the protections and benefits of the UMPDA but cannot participate in vote in UMPDA elections (see Article 5) or hold appointments on the UMPDA Board (see Article 3).

Article 3. UMPDA Board

Section 1. Organization    

  1. The UMPDA shall be governed by the UMPDA BOARD.
  2. Membership of the UMPDA Board shall be defined as follows:
    1. Members shall be appointed by volunteering to participate on the UMPDA Board. If the UMPDA Board has more volunteers than open positions, new UMPDA Board members will be selected by democratic election, wherein the electorate is determined by the UMPDA Board (see Article 5).
      1. Measures to appoint individuals to the UMPDA Board shall be organized by current UMPDA Board members with the goal of ensuring transparency, efficiency, and equal representation of UMPDA members and UMPDA member interests.
        1. Equal representation is an aspirational goal in alignment with Article 1, Section 6.3, to which every UMPDA Board member has a responsibility.
      2. All UMPDA members (as defined in Article 2, Section 2) are eligible for membership on the UMPDA Board.
    2. The director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs will have a standing seat on the UMPDA Board.
    3. The manager or comparable individual of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs will have a standing seat on the UMPDA Board.
    4. Any administrative representative of the University of Michigan is eligible for membership following approval by a majority of UMPDA Board members.
  3. All members of the UMPDA Board have the right to vote, or to abstain from voting, on UMPDA Board business.
  4. The organization of the board shall be as follows:
    1. The UMPDA Board shall be composed of no more than 30 members at a time, of which more than 50% are to be primarily affiliated with schools/departments which financially support UMPDA activities.
      1. If the UMPDA Board exceeds 30 members, a review of membership will be performed by the UMPDA Board, and the UMPDA Board will be reduced to 30 members or less.
    2. The UMPDA Board will be comprised of a minimum of the following TITLED APPOINTMENTS (number of appointees designated in parentheses):
      1. Co-president (2), treasurer (1), secretary (1), diversity, equity, and inclusion (1), postdoctoral affairs co-chairs (2), international affairs (1), professional development (1), public relations co-chairs (2), networking co-chairs (2), postdoctoral connections (1), outreach (1), ethics and policy (1).
      2. Additional titled appointments may be enacted at any time by majority approval of the UMPDA Board.
        1. These appointments should be added to Article 2, Section 3.2.1. as a Bylaw amendment (see Article 8, Section 1).
      3. The UMPDA Board may designate any UMPDA member as a UMPDA Board member with an HONORARY APPOINTMENT at any time by majority approval of the UMPDA Board.
    3. If a UMPDA Board member resigns, the UMPDA Board will fill the resigned position with an interim member to fulfill the remainder of the resigning member’s term.
      1. All UMPDA members are eligible for interim membership on the UMPDA Board.
      2. Interim members have the full voting rights concerning UMPDA Board business.
      3. If there are multiple nominations for interim membership, the interim member will be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      4. UMPDA Board members may fulfill interim roles if fulfillment does not prevent the enactment of their respective duties and responsibilities outlined in Article 3, Sections 2-14.

Section 2. Governance

  1. The UMPDA Board business shall be determined by majority rule unless otherwise agreed upon and permitted by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    1. In the event that no majority is reached, the UMPDA Co-presidents may take determine business by unanimous decision.
      1. If the business in question modifies the duties and responsibilities of a UMPDA Co-president (see Article 3, Section 2), the UMPDA Co-presidents may not make a determination. In this case, business must be agreed up on by a majority of UMPDA Board.
      2. If the UMPDA Co-presidents cannot determine business by unanimous decision, the UMPDA Board shall determine a means resolution by majority.
  2. The UMPDA Board REGULAR MEETINGS shall be held as follows:
    1. Regular meetings of the UMPDA Board shall be held monthly in a location to be announced, unless otherwise determined by the UMPDA Board. Meetings will be scheduled for one hour and unfinished business relegated to the next meeting.
    2. The UMPDA Board REGULAR MEETINGS shall be held as follows:
    3. All UMPDA members are intended to participate in regular meetings and provide input either related or not related to their appointment.
      1. Agenda topics may be recommended by any UMPDA member and will be considered by the co-presidents to be added to the agenda. If a topic is added to the agenda, it is to be presented by the suggesting UMPDA member, or a proxy, and discussed at the following regular board meeting.
      2. General order of business shall consist of the following:
        1. Overview of the agenda
        2. Reports of current happenings from the Board members
        3. Unfinished business from the previous meeting
        4. Main topic of discussion
        5. Determination of next meeting date
    4. Agendas shall be distributed at least two days in advance of all scheduled meetings.
    5. Regular meetings are open to all UMDPA members to offer opinions, perspectives, or unaddressed business; however, non-Board UMPDA members cannot vote on UMPDA Board business.
    6. UMPDA regular meetings should be advertised in a centralized manner to ensure all UMPDA members can access regular meetings
  1. The UMPDA Board SPECIAL MEETINGS shall be held as follows
    1. Special meetings of the Board shall be scheduled by a majority of the UMPDA Board members at any time.
    2. Special meetings shall be scheduled to address UMPDA or UMPDA Board issues that need to be addressed prior to a regular meeting.
    3. Special meetings are closed to non-UMPDA Board members unless otherwise determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board members
  2. For both regular and special meetings to reach quorum, half of the UMPDA Board plus one member must be present.
  3. If quorum is not reached, the meeting must be immediately adjourned and rescheduled. Any business addressed in a meeting that does not reach quorum is not valid.
  4. Formation of SPECIAL COMMITTEES:
    1. Special committees shall be created by the UMPDA Board as needed at regular meetings to investigate and recommend action on matters which are of interest to or concern the UMPDA Board.
    2. Special committees shall be composed of volunteers from the UMPDA Board and/or UMPDA members.
    3. The duties of a special committee and its powers of action shall be outlined at its formation and shall be approved by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    4. Special committee chairs that are non-UMPDA Board members may be asked to become members of the UMPDA Board with or without an appointment title.

Article 4. Duties and responsibilities of UMPDA Board members

Section 1. Duties and responsibilities of ALL UMPDA BOARD MEMBERS

  1. By accepting membership on the UMPDA Board, members agree to abide by the policies and procedures of the UMPDA and the University of Michigan.
  2. Upon accepting membership on the UMPDA Board, individuals agree to the following:
    1. UMPDA Board members agree to their respective duties and responsibilities outlined in Article 3, Sections 2-14.
    2. UMPDA Board members must attend at least 75% of scheduled regular meetings.
      1. If the UMPDA Board member is on leave for any reason, the above rule does not apply, but is reinstated when the UMPDA Board member returns from leave.
    3. UMPDA Board members will participate in regular UMPDA events to the best of their ability.
    4. UMPDA Board members will record all pertinent information concerning the enactment of their duties and responsibilities to ensure efficacious transition of duties and responsibilities to the next appointee of their position.
    5. UMPDA Board membership appointments are for a minimum of 12 months but may not extend beyond separation from the institution or reclassification, unless other agreed upon by a majority of UMPDA Board members or to become a candidate for an alternative UMPDA appointment.
    6. UMPDA Board members who wish to resign their position must provide at least two months of notice.
      1. Resigning UMPDA Board members agree to be in communication with and of assistance to the newly appointed or elected UMPDA Board member to ensure a smooth transition in leadership.
      2. Communication and assistance is defined as a minimum of contact with UMPDA Board members via email or phone to ensure the resigning member’s previous duties and responsibilities are reasonably fulfilled.

Section 2. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA CO-PRESIDENTS

  1. The term of a UMPDA Co-president shall be a maximum of two years with renewal1.
  2. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible with upholding the values and goals of the UMPDA.
  3. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for ensuring that the duties and responsibilities of all other UMPDA Board members are fulfilled.
    1. The UMPDA Co-presidents have a duty to remain in regular and open communication with one another.
  4. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for the equitable representation of all UMPDA members.
  5. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for determining the future goals of the UMPDA.
  6. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for maintaining open communication between the UMPDA Board and other University of Michigan postdoctoral communities.
  7. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for the organizing and presiding of UMPDA Board regular and special meetings.
  8. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for representing the UMPDA at all Postdoctoral Advisory Group meetings.
    1. If the UMPDA Co-president cannot attend this meeting, a proxy member shall be selected from the UMPDA Board by said Co-president.
  9. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for representing the UMPDA at the annual National Postdoctoral Association meeting.
    1. If the UMPDA Co-president cannot attend this meeting, a proxy member shall be selected from the UMPDA Board by said Co-president.
  10. The UMPDA Co-presidents are responsible for final decision making for all regular UMPDA Board business.
  11. The UMPDA Co-presidents have a duty to be ex officio members of every special committee.

Section 3. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA TREASURER

  1. The term of the UMPDA Treasurer shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Treasurer has a duty to monitor and record all financial matters of the UMPDA.
  3. The UMPDA Treasurer has a duty to advise on and participate in all financial matters that arise as a part of UMPDA business.
  4. The UMPDA Treasurer has a duty to assemble a financial status report to be presented at every regular meeting.
    1. If any financial matter needs to be approved prior to a regular meeting, the UMPDA Co-presidents may approve a financial matter by unanimous decision.
  5. The UMPDA Treasurer has the duty to respond to current financial status requests from UMPDA members, constituents, and associates (Article 6, Section 2).
  6. The UMPDA Treasurer is responsible for assembling and proposing an annual budget that is to be evaluated and approved by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    1. This budget is to be assembled, proposed, evaluated, and approved in a timely fashion as necessitated by the fiscal year to ensure the continual availability of funds to the UMPDA.
  7. The UMPDA Treasurer is responsible for assembling an annual financial report at the end of the fiscal year and ensuring this report is sent to all UMPDA constituents and posted on the UMPDA website.

Section 4. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA SECRETARY

  1. The term of the UMPDA Secretary shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Secretary has a duty to maintain the mission of the UMPDA and the standards of the University of Michigan in all forms of communication.
  3. The UMPDA Secretary is responsible for recording proceedings of UMPDA Board regular and special meetings.
    1. The UMPDA Secretary is responsible for publishing said proceedings in a centralized location in a reasonable amount of time.
  4. The UMPDA Secretary has a duty to ensure that all official UMPDA documents are presented clearly.
    1. The UMPDA Secretary has a duty to ensure that all official UMPDA documents are accessible to all UMPDA members, including but not limited to individuals with visual auditory, and processing disabilities.
  5. The UMPDA Secretary is responsible for liaising with all other UMPDA Board appointees to determine what UMPDA Board business is to be communicated with UMPDA members.

Section 5. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION APPOINTEE

  1. The term of the UMPDA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) appointee shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA DEI appointee has a duty to ensure the equity of all UMPDA members is protected.
  3. The UMPDA DEI appointee is responsible for maintaining open communication with all University of Michigan offices that promote diversity and/or equity.
  4. The UMPDA DEI appointee is responsible for organizing UMPDA sponsored events that promote diversity and/or equity.
    1. It is the responsibility of this appointee that UMPDA sponsored events are easily accessible by all UMPDA members, are of high quality, and fulfill the needs of UMPDA members.
  5. The UMPDA DEI appointee is responsible for communication of UMPDA or University of Michigan sponsored events that promote diversity and/or equity.

Section 6. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA POSTDOCTORAL AFFAIRS CO-CHAIRS

  1. The term of the UMPDA Postdoctoral Affairs Co-Chair appointment shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Postdoctoral Affairs appointees are responsible for administration of the Outstanding Postdoctoral Fellow Award.
  3. The UMPDA Postdoctoral Affairs appointees are responsible for represented the UMPDA to the Laboratory Research Safety Council (LRSC).
  4. The UMPDA Postdoctoral Affairs appointees are responsible for UMPDA business that does not fall under the prevue of other UMPDA Board appointees.

Section 7. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS APPOINTEE

  1. The term of the UMPDA International Affairs appointee shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA International Affairs appointee has a duty to ensure the equity of all international UMPDA members is protected.
  3. The UMPDA International Affairs is responsible for being a liaison between the UMPDA Board and the international UMPDA members.
  4. The UMPDA International Affairs appointee is responsible for maintaining open communication with all University of Michigan offices that interact with international UMPDA members.
  5. The UMPDA International Affairs appointee is responsible for organizing UMPDA sponsored events that address international UMPDA member-specific issues.
    1. It is the responsibility of this appointee that UMPDA sponsored events are easily accessible by all UMPDA members, are of high quality, and fulfill the needs of UMPDA members.
  6. The UMPDA International Affairs appointee is responsible for communication of UMPDA or University of Michigan sponsored events that address international UMPDA member-specific issues.

Section 8. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT APPOINTEE

  1. The term of the UMPDA Professional Development appointee shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Professional Development appointee is responsible for maintaining open communication with all University of Michigan offices that promote professional development of UMPDA members.
  3. The UMPDA Professional Development appointee is responsible for organizing UMPDA sponsored events that promote professional development of UMPDA members.
    1. It is the responsibility of this appointee that UMPDA sponsored events are easily accessible by all UMPDA members, are of high quality, and fulfill the needs of UMPDA members, including but not limited to individuals with visual auditory, and processing disabilities.
    2. It is the responsibility of the appointee to proactively seek to meet the professional development needs of historically excluded and marginalized members of the UMPDA community.
    3. It is the responsibility of the appointee to ensure professional development activities are consistent with the values of the UMPDA.
  4. The UMPDA Professional Development appointee is responsible for communication of UMPDA or University of Michigan sponsored events that promote professional development of UMPDA members

Section 9. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA PUBLIC RELATIONS CO-CHAIRS

  1. The term of the UMPDA Public Relations Co-chairs shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Public Relations Co-chairs have a duty to maintain the mission of the UMPDA and the standards of the University of Michigan in all forms of communication.
  3. The UMPDA Public Relations Co-chairs are responsible for communicating UMPDA Board business with UMPDA members.
  4. The UMPDA Public Relations Co-chairs are responsible for monitoring and maintaining the UMPDA Board website structure, and content.
  5. The UMPDA Public Relations Co-chairs are responsible for organizing, maintaining, and curating dynamic forms of outreach that advance the goals of the UMPDA.

Section 10. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA NETWORKING CO-CHAIRS

  1. The term of a UMPDA Networking Co-chair shall be a maximum of 2 years with renewal.
  2. A UMPDA Networking Co-chairs are responsible for the organization of UMPDA sponsored networking events.
    1. The goal of networking events could include, but is not limited to:
      1. Creating space for connection and collegiality among postdocs.
      2. Celebrating community and shared identities among postdocs.

Section 11. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA POSTDOCTORAL CONNECTIONS APPOINTEE

  1. The term of a UMPDA Connections appointee shall be a maximum of 2 years with renewal.
  2. The “postdoctoral connections” appointee designation exists to ensure representation of postdoctoral fellows from all University of Michigan schools.
  3. The UMPDA Connections appointee has the duty to establish communications and connections with postdoctoral organizations external to the UMPDA Board to determine the issues facing the postdoctoral fellows at their respective University of Michigan schools of origin and to facilitate the communication of these issues to the UMPDA Board.

Section 12. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA OUTREACH CHAIR

  1. The term of the UMPDA Outreach chair shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Outreach chair has the duty to provide opportunities for UMPDA members and their dependents to get involve in a community or effort.
  3. The UMPDA Outreach chair is responsible for maintaining communication with existing outreach programs and the UMPDA board and members.
  4. The UMPDA Outreach chair is responsible for organizing, maintaining, and curating dynamic forms of outreach that advance the goals and reflect the values of the UMPDA.
    1. It is the responsibility of the appointee to ensure that outreach engagement is focused on community-driven activities with consideration for equity, justice, tribal sovereignty and anti-racism, and to provide specific education and training catered to volunteers for each specific event.

Section 13. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA ETHICS AND POLICY CHAIR

  1. The term of the UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall be a maximum of two years with renewal.
  2. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall solicit participation in and convene the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to Investigate Allegations of Misconduct, including conducting interviews and fact-gathering with Subjects and Sources of Allegations
  3. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall convene the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to draft recommended changes to the bylaws and UMPDA policy, including the Formal Process of Handling Misconduct, to present to the Board for approval by vote. Such policies shall not be applied retroactively.
  4. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall act as a standing ELECTION COMMISSIONER for the purposes of the UMPDA Elections, and shall convene the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to oversee UMPDA Elections in compliance with Article 5.
  5. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall represent the UMPDA board, policy and values in liaison with the Senate Advisory Committee for University Affairs and the Rackham Executive Board as possible, and shall convene the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to discuss UM policy changes in the interests of UMPDA Members.
  6. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall organize training events for UMPDA Members on matters of Ethical Conduct and Conflict Resolution.
  7. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall develop a procedure to receive allegations of conflict between or misconduct of UMPDA Members, and shall receive such allegations.
  8. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall develop and maintain a standard procedure for conflict resolution, which includes restorative practices, where applicable.
  9. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall report the existence of an appearance of Misconduct to the UMPDA Co-Presidents, excepting in the case where a Co-President or a Member of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee is the Subject of the Allegation, whereupon the Ethics and Policy Chair shall report the appearance of Misconduct to the UMPDA Board as a whole.
  10. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall Exclude or Recuse Subjects and Sources of Allegations, when known, from the Formal Process of Handling Misconduct
  11. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall report to the UMPDA Board the Results of its Investigations, including
    1. Recommendation of a Response to the UMPDA Board
    2. Recommendation to proceed with Impeachment of a Member of the Board
    3. Recommendation of Action regarding Membership of a UMPDA Member
    4. All Pertinent Evidence Resulting from the Investigation
  12. The UMPDA Ethics and Policy Chair shall maintain confidential records of Allegations of Misconduct and UMPDA Board decisions regarding Misconduct to establish Intent to Misconduct through patterns of behavior.

Section 14. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA MEMBERS WITH HONORARY APPOINTMENTS

  1. There is no term limit for an Honorary UMPDA member unless otherwise decided by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
  2. Honorary UMPDA members are responsible for participation in UMPDA Board regular meetings and events.

Section 15. Duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA SUBCOMMITTEES

    1. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS shall consist of eligible UMPDA Members (A2§2) recruited by the SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) (A4§15.2).
      1. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS shall be responsible to attend subcommittee meetings, to provide feedback on subcommittee operations, and to vote to request action of the UMPDA Board by Subcommittee Consensus.
    2. SUBCOMMITTEE ASSOCIATES shall consist of eligible UMPDA Associates (A2§3) recruited by the SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S).
      1. SUBCOMMITTEE ASSOCIATES shall be responsible to attend subcommittee meetings and to provide feedback on subcommittee operations. As non-voting constituents of the UMPDA (A2§3), SUBCOMMITTEE ASSOCIATES cannot participate in votes of the Subcommittee but may bring matters of interest to the agenda.
    3. The SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) shall be considered as voting SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBER(S).
    4. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS or ASSOCIATES, excluding SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S), may be removed, or removed and barred, from UMPDA Subcommittees by a three-quarters vote of all SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS, or by a majority vote of UMPDA Board members upon recommendation by the SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S).
      1. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES shall be removed for misconduct, dereliction of duties, violation of UMPDA values, or other action that hinders the functioning of the UMPDA Board or UMPDA Subcommittee.
      2. SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES that are removed, or removed and barred, from UMPDA Subcommittees must be given notification of clear and concise reasons why they have been removed.
  1. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) may appoint a single VICE-CHAIR, by unanimous consent of the SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S), to act in place of the SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S).
    1. A VICE-CHAIR appointment may be temporary, for a specific meeting or range of dates, or may be permanent.
    2. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) may revoke a VICE-CHAIR appointment at any time for any reason. This shall not be applied retroactively.
    1. UMPDA Board Members who are SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) shall be responsible to recruit SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS and ASSOCIATES (A4§15.1).
    2. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR shall convene subcommittee meetings as SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIRS deem necessary.
    3. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) shall convene subcommittee meetings by request of a majority of the subcommittee members.
    4. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR shall preside over subcommittee meetings.
      1. No meeting shall be considered an official subcommittee meeting without a SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR or VICE-CHAIR present.
      2. Official subcommittee meetings may occur without a quorum present.
    5. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR shall present any Subcommittee Consensus requesting UMPDA Board action (A4§15.4) to the UMPDA Board for approval by a majority vote.
      1. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR may express disapproval or discommendation of a Subcommittee Consensus to the UMPDA Board.
      2. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR shall not refuse to present any Subcommittee Consensus to the UMPDA Board.
    6. SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) shall otherwise be responsible for all aspects of the functioning of the subcommittee.
    1. A vote of subcommittee members shall be considered a Subcommittee Decision:
      1. If a SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR or VICE-CHAIR is present.
      2. With a quorum of one half of all SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS, rounded down, plus one.
      3. AND with a majority vote of present SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS.
    2. Subcommittee Decisions shall apply to subcommittee operations and subcommittee functions.
    3. Subcommittee Decisions shall comply with all relevant UMPDA and University of Michigan policies.
    4. Subcommittee Decisions cannot override decisions of the UMPDA Board.
    5. The UMPDA Board may override a Subcommittee Decision by a majority vote of UMPDA Board members, except when prohibited by the UMPDA Bylaws (Article 7).
    1. A vote of subcommittee members shall be considered an official Subcommittee Consensus requesting UMPDA Board action:
      1. If a SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR or VICE-CHAIR is present.
      2. With a quorum of one half of all SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS, rounded down, plus one.
      3. With intent of the present SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS to propose action to the UMPDA Board, motioned and seconded.
      4. AND with a vote totaling one half of all SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS, rounded down and plus one, or greater.
    2. A Subcommittee Consensus to request UMPDA Board action shall be nonbinding. Upon presentation of the Subcommittee Consensus to the UMPDA Board by the SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR, the UMPDA Board may reserve the right to reject the Subcommittee Consensus by a majority vote of the UMPDA Board.
    1. The SUBCOMMITTEE CHAIR(S) or VICE-CHAIR may call meetings in person or remotely.
    2. Remote meetings shall be held in real-time on platforms that establish the identity of SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS.
      1. Approved platforms shall be video or teleconferencing services, or text-based platforms requiring access through a personally owned device.
      2. All present SUBCOMMITTEE MEMBERS shall identify themselves at the beginning of a text-only meeting, for any vote, and when they leave the meeting.

Section 16. Failure to fulfill the duties and responsibilities

  1. If a UMPDA Board member fails to fulfill their duties and responsibilities for any reason, they may be stripped of their membership, as outlined in Article 7, Section 2, or disciplined in a manner decided by a majority of the UMPDA Board.

Article 5. Elections

Section 1. Electoral governance   

  1. The UMPDA Board (see Article 2) is responsible for sponsoring, organizing, advertising, enacting, monitoring, and evaluating all UMPDA ELECTIONS.
    1. Unless otherwise defined, the voting constituency of a given election is to be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    2. CANDIDACY for any position is to remain open to all UMPDA members unless agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      1. It is the responsibility of the UMPDA Board that all UMPDA members eligible for candidacy are made aware of their eligibility in a fair and prompt manner.
      2. A UMPDA member or UMPDA Board member can only declare themselves a candidate for a single appointment in a single election.
    3. Upon the initiation of a UMPDA election, an ELECTION COMMISSIONER or ELECTION COMMISSIONERS will be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      1. The Ethics and Policy Chair shall be recused from any decisions regarding the position of Ethics and Policy Chair. If this position is open for election, an additional ELECTION COMMISSIONER must be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      2. The election commissioner(s) will be responsible for administering the UMPDA election, including, but not limited to:
        1. Communication with and between candidates, and communication between candidates and the UMPDA Board.
        2. Resolution of matters that impact UMPDA elections in conjunction with UMPDA Board members.
        3. Establishment of and communication with the voting constituency.
        4. Administration and maintenance of voting.
        5. Distribution of UMPDA election results.
        6. Ensuring a transparent, fair, and high-quality election process.

Section 2. Electoral outcomes

  1. Following any election, the UMPDA Board is charged with producing fair and prompt election results to concerned parties.
  2. An individual shall be declared the winner of an election if they attain half of all votes plus one vote if there are two candidates, or a numerical majority of all votes if there are more than two candidates.
    1. If there is a single candidate, the candidate attains half of all votes plus one vote in a vote of approval of their election.
    2. If there are two candidates, the candidate attains half of all votes plus one vote.
    3. If there are more than two candidates, the candidate attains a numerical majority of all votes.
  3. If the election results in a tie and there are more than two candidates, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will run in a head-to-head SPECIAL ELECTION.
    1. The UMPDA Board is responsible for sponsoring, organizing, advertising, enacting, monitoring, and evaluating all UMPDA special elections.
    2. An individual shall be declared the winner of a special election if they attain half of all votes plus one vote.
  4. If the election results in a tie and there are two candidates, the UMPDA Board will determine the winner by a means agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
  5. When UMPDA Board positions remain unfilled following an election, runners-up who were nominated for, but not elected into, positions on the board shall be nominated for an open position to hold in interim until the next election, according to Article 3, Section 1.4.3.
    1. The UMPDA Board may, by majority vote, decline to nominate a runner-up for a position to hold in interim.
    2. Runners-up shall be informed of their nomination following the first board meeting after an election and may choose to exempt themselves from nomination to a position to hold in interim.
    3. Runners-up may request to be nominated for a specific open position or positions to hold in interim.
    4. If multiple runners-up have requested to be nominated for the same open position, and there are no nominees for another open position, the UMPDA Board may, by majority vote, distribute the potential nominees among the open positions to hold in interim.
    5. If a runner-up is approved by the UMPDA Board to hold an open position in interim, the individual shall be removed from the list of nominees for other open positions.

Article 5. Elections

Section 1. Electoral governance   

  1. The UMPDA Board (see Article 2) is responsible for sponsoring, organizing, advertising, enacting, monitoring, and evaluating all UMPDA ELECTIONS.
    1. Unless otherwise defined, the voting constituency of a given election is to be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    2. CANDIDACY for any position is to remain open to all UMPDA members unless agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      1. It is the responsibility of the UMPDA Board that all UMPDA members eligible for candidacy are made aware of their eligibility in a fair and prompt manner.
      2. A UMPDA member or UMPDA Board member can only declare themselves a candidate for a single appointment in a single election.
    3. Upon the initiation of a UMPDA election, an ELECTION COMMISSIONER or ELECTION COMMISSIONERS will be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      1. The Ethics and Policy Chair shall be recused from any decisions regarding the position of Ethics and Policy Chair. If this position is open for election, an additional ELECTION COMMISSIONER must be determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
      2. The election commissioner(s) will be responsible for administering the UMPDA election, including, but not limited to:
        1. Communication with and between candidates, and communication between candidates and the UMPDA Board.
        2. Resolution of matters that impact UMPDA elections in conjunction with UMPDA Board members.
        3. Establishment of and communication with the voting constituency.
        4. Administration and maintenance of voting.
        5. Distribution of UMPDA election results.
        6. Ensuring a transparent, fair, and high-quality election process.

Section 2. Electoral outcomes

  1. Following any election, the UMPDA Board is charged with producing fair and prompt election results to concerned parties.
  2. An individual shall be declared the winner of an election if they attain half of all votes plus one vote if there are two candidates, or a numerical majority of all votes if there are more than two candidates.
    1. If there is a single candidate, the candidate attains half of all votes plus one vote in a vote of approval of their election.
    2. If there are two candidates, the candidate attains half of all votes plus one vote.
    3. If there are more than two candidates, the candidate attains a numerical majority of all votes.
  3. If the election results in a tie and there are more than two candidates, the two candidates with the highest number of votes will run in a head-to-head SPECIAL ELECTION.
    1. The UMPDA Board is responsible for sponsoring, organizing, advertising, enacting, monitoring, and evaluating all UMPDA special elections.
    2. An individual shall be declared the winner of a special election if they attain half of all votes plus one vote.
  4. If the election results in a tie and there are two candidates, the UMPDA Board will determine the winner by a means agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
  5. When UMPDA Board positions remain unfilled following an election, runners-up who were nominated for, but not elected into, positions on the board shall be nominated for an open position to hold in interim until the next election, according to Article 3, Section 1.4.3.
    1. The UMPDA Board may, by majority vote, decline to nominate a runner-up for a position to hold in interim.
    2. Runners-up shall be informed of their nomination following the first board meeting after an election and may choose to exempt themselves from nomination to a position to hold in interim.
    3. Runners-up may request to be nominated for a specific open position or positions to hold in interim.
    4. If multiple runners-up have requested to be nominated for the same open position, and there are no nominees for another open position, the UMPDA Board may, by majority vote, distribute the potential nominees among the open positions to hold in interim.
    5. If a runner-up is approved by the UMPDA Board to hold an open position in interim, the individual shall be removed from the list of nominees for other open positions.

Section 3. Electoral violations

  1. Failure to meet any of the above standards will invalidate the election or the results of an election, and the UMPDA Board shall be responsible for the rectification of these failures and re-enactment of the invalidated election.
  2. If any candidate violates the integrity of an election as agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board, this candidate will be immediately considered ineligible for candidacy, removed from the election, and punished at the discretion of the UMPDA Board.
    1. If there are only two candidates, the only remaining eligible candidate will be declared the winner, or an alternative measure will be enacted as agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    2. If there are more than two candidates, the remaining eligible candidates will continue the election. 
  1. Failure to meet any of the above standards will invalidate the election or the results of an election, and the UMPDA Board shall be responsible for the rectification of these failures and re-enactment of the invalidated election.
  2. If any candidate violates the integrity of an election as agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board, this candidate will be immediately considered ineligible for candidacy, removed from the election, and punished at the discretion of the UMPDA Board.
    1. If there are only two candidates, the only remaining eligible candidate will be declared the winner, or an alternative measure will be enacted as agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board.
    2. If there are more than two candidates, the remaining eligible candidates will continue the election. 

Article 6. Finances

Section 1. Management of finances

  1. The UMPDA budget and finances shall be managed by the treasurer (see Article 3, Section 3).
    1. Expenses made for pre-approved budgetary items can be made by administrating UMPDA or UMPDA Board members with oversight from the treasurer.
      1. Budgetary pre-approval will be determined by a majority of UMPDA Board members.
  1. All funds are to be managed and expended for the operation of the UMPDA and the UMPDA Board and under the control of these entities.
  2. All expenditures are to be made within the confines of University of Michigan policies.
    1. If a University of Michigan policy restricts spending in a manner determined by the majority of the UMPDA Board to violate the principles and values outlined in Article 1, the UMPDA Board Co-Presidents will be responsible for advocating for lifting this constraint with the relevant University of Michigan entities.

Section 2. Transparency of finances

  1. The financial status of the UMPDA and allocation of the UMPDA budget to the UMPDA committees shall be transparent to all the UMPDA members, constituents, and associates (Article 3)
  2. Any UMPDA member, constituent, or associate can request a current financial status report to the treasurer and shall receive a current or the most up-to-date (specifying the date of accuracy) financial status report within 30 days.
  3. A complete financial report of the funds managed by the UMPDA and their allocation shall be produced at the end of the fiscal year by the treasurer. This report shall be sent to all UMPDA members and posted on the UMPDA website or comparably accessible media.

Article 7. Conflict resolution and Process to Respond to Misconduct

Section 1. Statement of Purpose

  1. Conflict may arise from either Inappropriate Action or differences in opinion and personality.
  2. The goal of Conflict Resolution or a Response to Misconduct is to repair harms done to those affected by wrong doing, change harmful behavior, promote appropriate communication, and deter further instances of conflict or misconduct.

Section 2. Standards for Conflict Resolution

  1. When conflict has occurred but Misconduct has not occurred, by determination of the UMPDA Board by vote (Article 7, Section 3.7.4), or is not alleged, parties to the conflict may request internal or external Conflict Resolution processes, except in cases of serious misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or other applicable offenses, in compliance with SPG201.09.
  2. Internal Conflict Resolution shall be coordinated within the UMPDA
    1. By the Ethics and Policy Chair in the absence of a conflict of interest
    2. By the Co-Presidents if the Ethics and Policy chair has a conflict of interest
    3. By a Special Counsel of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee (Article 7, Sections 4.6-4.8) if both the Ethics and Policy Chair and the Co-Presidents have a conflict of interest.
    4. The Coordinator shall schedule with the parties to the conflict up to three meetings for Conflict Resolution.
  3. External Conflict Resolution shall be handled through the Mediation Services of the University’s Office of Institutional Equity or comparable office.
  4. If Internal and External Conflict Resolution processes are insufficient to resolve the conflict, and the conflict negatively impacts the ability of one or more UMPDA Board Members to perform their duties (Article 1, Section 6.3), the matter shall be referred to an investigation of misconduct.

Section 3. Standards for Identification of Misconduct

  1. An Inappropriate Action shall be defined as any action in violation of the UMPDA values as expressed in Article 1, Section 2-6, or in violation of University of Michigan policies and values.
  2. Intent of Misconduct shall be defined as demonstrable intent to undertake an Inappropriate Action, regardless of whether the Action is considered to be inappropriate by the Subject of the Allegation
  3. Appearance of Misconduct shall be defined as Evidence that, in absence of further evidence or investigation, is insufficient to establish misconduct but by its existence warrants further investigation.
  4. A Preponderance of Evidence of Misconduct shall be defined as Evidence of Inappropriate Action, without Sufficient Evidence of Intent to Misconduct, which establishes that it is More Likely than Not that Misconduct has occurred.
  5. Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt shall be defined as Evidence, or a Body of Evidence, that demonstrates both Inappropriate Action and Intent to Misconduct, including but not limited to: an ongoing pattern of Inappropriate Actions, or Inappropriate Action following External Mediation or Formal Censure.
  6. The Ethics and Policy Chair shall report monthly on the progress of an investigation to ensure that All Allegations of Misconduct are investigated in a reasonable and timely manner.
  7. The UMPDA board acknowledges that Inappropriate Action may occur without Intent to Misconduct, and that care should be taken that such behavior is corrected in a way that ensures smooth operation of the UMPDA Board.

Section 4. Standards for Investigation of Misconduct

  1. When there is a Preponderance of Evidence of Misconduct or Evidence of Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt by any UMPDA or UMPDA Board member, the UMPDA Board retains the right to terminate membership or enact corrective actions without further investigation by the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee.
  2. Upon allegation of Misconduct, or the Appearance of Misconduct, the Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall convene the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to investigate the Misconduct and shall report its findings to the UMPDA Board.
    1. If the Source(s) of the Allegation are known:
      1. The Source(s) of the Allegation may request by unanimous consent to end the formal process at any time without repercussion.
        1. The Source(s) of the Allegation may additionally request by unanimous consent to seek Conflict Resolution (Article 7, Section 2).
      2. Investigation shall include separate interviews with the Source and Subject of the Allegation.
      3. Investigation shall include separate interviews with relevant witnesses as possible as identified by the Source and Subject of the Allegation.
      4. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall recommend a response pertaining to the Subject of the Allegation.
    2. If the Source(s) of the Allegation are unknown or anonymous:
      1. Investigation shall include separate interviews with the Subject of the Allegation.
      2. Investigation shall include separate interviews with relevant witnesses as possible as identified by the Source and Subject of the Allegation.
      3. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall not recommend a response more severe than Formal Censure unless Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt has been demonstrated through clear intent or a pattern of behavior.
    3. If the Allegation originates within a failed Conflict Resolution Process:
      1. Investigation shall include separate interviews with the parties to the Allegation.
      2. Investigation shall include separate interviews with relevant witnesses as possible identified by the parties to the Allegation.
      3. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall recommend a response pertaining to one or more of the parties to the Allegation.
  1. In the event of Allegation of Misconduct of the Chair of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee:
    1. The Chair must be recused from the process
    2. One or both of the UMPDA Co-Presidents shall act in their stead, or appoint a Board Member to do so.
    3. Failure to so recuse shall be considered Evidence of Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
  2. The UMPDA Co-Presidents shall not:
    1. Act to impede or end prematurely an Investigation by the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee, regardless of whether a Co-President is the Subject of the Investigation
    2. Act to subvert the final decision of the Board.
    3. Attempts to impede the formal process shall be considered Evidence of Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
  3. The UMPDA Board Members shall not:
    1. Act to impede or end prematurely an Investigation by the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee, regardless of whether a Board Member is the Subject of the Investigation.
    2. Attempts to impede the formal process shall be considered Evidence of Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
  4. In the event where both UMPDA Co-Presidents and the Chair of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee are the Subjects of Allegations of Misconduct
    1. The UMPDA Board, minus any recused individuals, shall appoint a Special Counsel of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to investigate the allegations by a three-quarters vote of eligible Board Members.
  5. The Source of an Allegation of Misconduct may request that the Board vote on the ability of the Chair of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to fairly investigate the allegation.
    1. The UMPDA Board, minus any recused individuals, may decide to appoint a Special Counsel of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee to investigate the allegations by a three-quarters vote of eligible Board Members.
  6. A Special Counsel of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee may not be a current or former member of the UMPDA Board.

Section 5. Report of Misconduct to the UMPDA Board

  1. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall present to the UMPDA Board a written report of the results of an investigation into Allegations of Misconduct.
    1. This report shall be issued no later than one week in advance of a UMPDA Board meeting.
    2. In the event of investigations lasting longer than one month, the Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall present to the Board an oral report of the progress of an investigation to ensure a timely response.
  2. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall recommend a Response from the UMPDA board.
    1. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall recommend to the UMPDA Board a Motion to Initiate Discussion of Impeachment of Member(s) of the Board upon the Preponderance of Evidence of Misconduct, or Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.
    2. The Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee shall recommend to the UMPDA Board a Motion to Initiate Discussion of an action regarding Membership of UMPDA Member(s) upon the Preponderance of Evidence of Misconduct, or Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Section 6. Discussion of Impeachment of a Member of the Board and Discussion of an action regarding Membership of a UMPDA Member

  1. In the event that the Chair (or Special Counsel) of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee recommends to the UMPDA Board a Motion to Initiate Discussion of Impeachment of Member(s) of the UMPDA Board or a Motion to Initiate Discussion of an action regarding Membership of UMPDA Member(s):
    1. Discussion shall include an oral statement from the Chair of the Ethics and Policy Subcommittee (or the Special Counsel, as appropriate) to summarize the available evidence, including but not limited to the results of the investigation and the report.
    2. Discussion may also include voluntary personal impact statements, voluntary statements in defense of the Subject of the Allegation, and other evidentiary statements as appropriate.
  2. In cases where the recommended Response is less severe than Removal From Appointment
    1. The Subject(s) of the Allegation shall be given the opportunity to request that the UMPDA Board first vote to enforce External Mediation, except in cases of serious misconduct, harassment, discrimination, or other applicable offenses, in compliance with SPG201.09, or except when External Mediation has already proved inadequate.
    2. The Subject(s) of the Allegation shall be also be given the opportunity to Voluntarily Resign their position.
  3. In cases where the recommended Response is more severe than a Temporary Suspension of Duties
    1. The Subject(s) of the Allegation shall be given the opportunity to prepare and present a reasonable defense
    2. The Subject(s) of the Allegation shall be also be given the opportunity to Voluntarily Resign their position.
    3. The Subject(s) of the Allegation shall not be given the opportunity to request External Mediation, in compliance with SPG201.09.
  4. A Motion of Impeachment of UMPDA Board Member(s) shall be approved by a vote of the UMPDA Board Members
    1. The required majority for this vote shall depend on the severity of the Response
    2. The vote shall not include those who have been excused or have recused themselves.
    3. Subjects and Sources of Allegations shall recuse themselves of the vote.
    4. Failure to so recuse shall be considered Evidence of Misconduct Beyond a Reasonable Doubt.

Section 7. Applicable Penalties Due to Misconduct

  1. The UMPDA Board may take the following actions of Impeachment of UMPDA Board Member(s) of the Board, or actions regarding Membership of UMPDA Member(s), in order of least to most severe
    1. Vote to Enforce Internal Conflict Resolution or External Mediation, requiring a majority vote of the Board
    2. Vote of Formal Censure, requiring a majority vote of the Board
    3. Vote of Temporary Suspension of Duties, requiring a majority vote of the Board
    4. Vote of Removal from Appointment, requiring a majority vote of the Board
    5. Vote of Removal from UMPDA Membership, requiring a majority vote of the Board
    6. Vote of Enjoinder from UMPDA Board Meetings, requiring a two-thirds vote of eligible Board Members
    7. Vote of Enjoinder from All UMPDA Events, requiring a two-thirds vote of eligible Board Members
  2. No penalty more severe than a Formal Censure (Article 7, Section 6.1.3-7) may be applied without a previous Formal Censure
    1. Such penalties can be applied immediately following Formal Censure with no delay.
  3. No penalty less severe than a Temporary Suspension of Duties (Article 7, Section 6.1.1-2) may be applied if a Formal Censure has previously been applied.
  4. A UMPDA Board Member may elect to voluntarily resign their position with Formal Censure to avoid a Vote of Removal from Appointment.
  5. If no action is agreed upon by a majority of UMPDA Board, or if a special meeting cannot be scheduled in a timely fashion, a majority of UMPDA Board, with the Co-presidents recused, can transfer decision powers to the UMPDA Co-presidents, who may then take action by unanimous decision.
    1. The above proceedings (Article 7, Section 6.5) cannot take place if the UMPDA Board member in question is a Co-president. In this case, action must be agreed up on by a majority of UMPDA Board.

Section 8.

Any resolution administered by the UMPDA Board or special committee is valid within the confines of the UMPDA but does not extend beyond that realm.

Section 9.

The UMPDA Board shall cooperate and comply with requests from Law Enforcement as appropriate in cases of Criminal Misconduct.

Article 8. Bylaws

Section 1. Bylaw amendment

  1. The UMPDA Bylaws are subject to amendment by any UMPDA Board member or UMPDA member at any time.
  2. UMPDA Bylaw amendments shall be added through AMENDMENT PROCEEDINGS:
    1. CANDIDATE AMENDMENTS shall be submitted to the UMPDA Co-presidents for ruling on eligibility prior to continuation of amendment proceedings within a reasonable amount of time.
      1. A candidate amendment will be deemed eligible for amendment proceedings unanimously by the UMPDA Co-presidents.
      2. The UMPDA Co-presidents retain the right to rule a candidate amendment ineligible for amendment proceedings for any reason, with the exception of candidate amendments that modify the role of the UMPDA Co-presidents, which are to be ruled eligible by special committee.
        1. The UMPDA Co-presidents may rule that candidate amendments that modify the duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA Co-presidents be re-written for clarity if it does not change the spirit of the candidate amendment.
      3. If a candidate amendment is ruled ineligible, the UMPDA Co-presidents must provide their reasoning in writing to all concerned parties in a timely fashion.
    2. Following a ruling of eligibility by the UMPDA Co-presidents, candidate amendments shall be distributed to all UMPDA Board members with a reasonable amount of time for review of the candidate amendment prior to electoral decision.
    3. After the period of review, the UMDPA Board shall vote on adoption of the amendment at a regular meeting or special meeting (see Article 2, Section 2.3).
      1. An amendment shall be adopted if it receives two-thirds of total UMPDA Board member votes.
        1. Adoption of amendment text into the UMPDA bylaws shall occur within one month of an affirmative vote of adoption.
        2. Amendments shall be annotated in the UMPDA Bylaw text to denote time of adoption and amendment author, and annotations shall be maintained a minimum of one year following adoption.
      2. If an amendment does not receive two-thirds of total UMPDA Board votes, it will not be adopted.
        1. An identical candidate amendment may be submitted for amendment proceedings a maximum of 10 times.
        2. Candidate amendments that are not identical to previously submitted amendments but are similar or identical in spirit may be submitted for amendment proceedings an unlimited number of times.
  1. If the integrity of the amendment proceedings process is violated as agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board, this candidate amendment will be immediately considered ineligible and amendment proceedings will halt.
    1. Any violation of the integrity of the amendment proceedings considered detrimental to the mission of the UMPDA as outlined by Article 1, Sections 4.2, Article 1, Section 5.2, or applicable Sections of Article 2, or detrimental to the mission of University of Michigan may result in punishment at the discretion of the UMPDA Board.

Section 2. Repeal of a UMPDA Bylaw

  1. The UMPDA Bylaws are subject to repeal at any time.
  2. At any time, any UMPDA Board member or UMPDA member may submit a REQUEST TO REPEAL.
  3. UMPDA Bylaws shall be repealed through REPEAL PROCEEDINGS:
    1. A request to repeal shall be submitted to the UMPDA Co-presidents for ruling on eligibility prior to continuation of repeal proceedings within a reasonable amount of time.
      1. A request to repeal will be deemed eligible for repeal proceedings unanimously by the UMPDA Co-presidents.
      2. The UMPDA Co-presidents retain the right to rule a request to repeal ineligible for repeal proceedings for any reason, with the exception of requests to repeal that modify the role of the UMPDA Co-presidents, which are to be ruled eligible by special committee.
        1. The UMPDA Co-presidents may rule that requests to repeal that modify the duties and responsibilities of the UMPDA Co-presidents be re-written for clarity if it does not change the spirit of the candidate amendment.
      3. If a request to repeal is ruled ineligible, the UMPDA Co-presidents must provide their reasoning in writing to all concerned parties in a timely fashion.
    2. Following a ruling of eligibility by the UMPDA Co-presidents, requests to repeal shall be distributed to all UMPDA Board members with a reasonable amount of time for review of the request to repeal prior to electoral decision.
    3. After the period of review, the UMDPA Board shall vote on repeal of the bylaw at a regular meeting or special meeting (see Article 2, Section 2.3).
      1. A repeal shall be enacted if it receives two-thirds of total UMPDA Board member votes.
        1. Adoption of the repeal text into the UMPDA bylaws shall occur within one month of an affirmative vote of repeal.
        2. Repeals shall be annotated in the UMPDA Bylaw text to denote time of adoption and repeal author, and annotations shall be maintained a minimum of one year following adoption.
      2. If a repeal does not receive two-thirds of total UMPDA Board votes, it will not be adopted.
        1. An identical request to repeal may be submitted for repeal proceedings a maximum of 10 times.
        2. Requests to repeal that are not identical to previously submitted requests to repeal but are similar or identical in spirit may be submitted for repeal proceedings an unlimited number of times.
  4. If the integrity of the repeal proceedings process is violated as agreed upon by a majority of the UMPDA Board, this request to repeal will be immediately considered ineligible and repeal proceedings will halt.
    1. Any violation of the integrity of the repeal proceedings considered detrimental to the mission of the UMPDA as outlined by Article 1, Sections 4.2, Article 1, Section 5.2, or applicable Sections of Article 2, or detrimental to the mission of University of Michigan may result in punishment at the discretion of the UMPDA Board.

Section 3. Bylaw review

  1. The UMPDA Board shall review the UMPDA Bylaws in full once every two years.
  2. During this review, any expired amendment or repeal annotations shall be removed from the UMPDA Bylaw text.
  3. Amendment and repeal proceedings (see Article 8, Section 1 and Section 2, respectively) shall be followed for all modifications to the UMPDA Bylaws.
    1. Editorial modifications and clarifications to the UMDPA Bylaw text that do not change the spirit of the bylaw, as determined by a majority of the UMPDA Board, are not subject to amendment and repeal proceedings.

Appendix 1. UMPDA Antiracism Subcommittee Definitions

Race: A power construct of collected or merged difference that lives socially.
Ethnicity: One’s concept of identity on the basis of shared attributes that distinguish them from others such as a common set of traditions, ancestry, language, history, society, culture, nation, religion, or social treatment.
Nationality: The status of belonging to a particular nation.
Gender: One’s innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither (non-binary) – how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One’s gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth, as well as fluid, unfixed and/or non-conforming.
Sexual Orientation: An inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people. Note: an individual’s sexual orientation is independent of their gender identity.
Queer: A term people often use to express a spectrum of identities and orientations that are counter to the mainstream. Queer is often used as a catch-all to include many people, including those who do not identify as exclusively straight and/or folks who have non-binary or genderexpansive identities. This term was previously used as a slur, but has been reclaimed by many parts of the LGBTQ movement.
Intersectionality: An analytical framework for understanding how aspects of a person’s social and political identities combine to create different modes of discrimination and privilege.
Racism: A prejudice against someone based on race, when those prejudices are reinforced by systems of power.
 Racist: One who is supporting a racist policy through their actions or inactions or expressing a racist idea.
Antiracist: One who is supporting an antiracist policy through their actions or expressing an antiracist idea.
Ethnic Racism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to inequity between racialized ethnic groups and are substantiated by racist ideas about racialized ethnic groups.
Ethnic Antiracism: A powerful collection of antiracist policies that lead to equity between racialized ethnic groups and are substantiated by antiracist ideas about racialized ethnic groups.
Colorism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to inequity between Light people and Dark people, supported by racist ideas about Light and Dark people.
Color Antiracism: A powerful collection of antiracist policies that lead to equity between Light people and Dark people, supported by antiracist ideas about Light and Dark people.
Biological Racist: One who is expressing the idea that the races are meaningfully different in their biology and that these differences create a hierarchy of values.
Biological Antiracist: One who is expressing the idea that the races are meaningfully the same in their biology and that there are no genetic racial differences.
Cultural Racist: One who is creating a cultural standard and imposing a cultural hierarchy among racial groups.
Cultural Antiracist: One who is rejecting a cultural standard and equalizing cultural differences among racial groups.
Behavioral Racist: One who is making individuals responsible for the perceived behavior of racial groups and making racial groups responsible for the behavior of individuals.
Behavioral Antiracist: One who is making racial group behavior fictional and individual behavior real.
Gender Identity Racism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to inequity between race-gender identities and/or fluidity and are substantiated by racist ideas about race-gender identities.
Gender Identity Antiracism: A powerful collection of antiracist policies that lead to equity between race-gender identities and are substantiated by antiracist ideas about race-gender identities.
 Queer Racism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to inequity between race-sexual identities and are substantiated by racist ideas about race-sexual identities.
Queer Antiracism: A powerful collection of antiracist policies that lead to equity between race-sexual identities and are substantiated by antiracist ideas about race-sexual identities.
 Class Racist: One who is racializing the socioeconomic classes, supporting the policies of racial capitalism against those race-classes, and justifying them by racist ideas about those race-classes.
Antiracist Anticapitalist: One who is opposing racial capitalism.
Space Racism: A powerful collection of racist policies that lead to resource inequity between racialized spaces or the elimination of certain racialized spaces, which are substantiated by racist ideas about racialized spaces.
Space Antiracism: A powerful collection of antiracist policies that lead to resource equity between racialized spaces or the elimination of certain racialized spaces, which are substantiated by antiracist ideas about racialized spaces.


  1. Kendi, Ibram X., How to Be an Antiracist. First edition., One World, 2019.